Welcome inside the Orsoni's factory!
To see the mosaics inside the Basilica of San Marco is, of course, one of the most beautiful experience you can do in Venice...
...And here, I am presenting you the factory of one of the world's leading producer of gold mosaic and full body glass mosaic in Venice: Orsoni.
The multicoloured panel, created as a sample collection of smalti and gold mosaic tiles.
Mosaic starts its life through fusion, because it's created from fire, as with metals and crystal. This is why you will find brightly coloured stacks of melting pots at the entrance of the furnace.
Coloured melting pot.
Throughout the history of art, mosaic has provided a truly fascinating medium. Mosaic was in use in ancient times, reaching its zenit in the celebrated romans decorations, and flourishing in Early Christian and Byzantine art. Some magnificent works were carried out in the splendid mosaics in the sights of Ravenna, in the Basilica of San Marco and the one of San Pietro in Rome, just to give you some examples.
Mosaics in San Vitale, Ravenna.
Inside the Basilica of San Marco.
All small parts of the mosaic are cut by hand or using a glass cutter with a grill. In this way, you will obtain mosaics which are all different one from the other.
Cutting the mosaic tesserae by hand.